Help K-5 students experience aha moments when learning math through engaging literature and hands-on experiences.
March 30, 2022
Educational subjects lose power when taught in isolation. Bring literature into your math classroom to pique student curiosity and connect it to advocacy…all while learning math.
February 22, 2022
How studying decimals empowered students to change their community: A blog by Margie Pearse, coauthor of Math by the Book: Fifth Grade.
December 15, 2021
Stories support curiosity and engagement. By creating excitement with our students we make the task of teaching specific grade level math skills easier.
October 11, 2021
Seven ways that incorporating children’s literature into mathematics lessons can change the atmosphere, focus, and energy in your math classroom!
August 24, 2021
Today on the Podcast, Valerie Bang-Jensen and Mark Lubkowitz talk about their book Sharing Books, Talking Science
March 3, 2017
The Challenge of Teaching Science in Elementary School and How Sharing Books, Talking Science Can Help
March 2, 2017
Teaching Scientific Concepts Through Children's Literature
February 24, 2017