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Dedicated to Teachers


The Big 5: Harvey 'Smokey' Daniels on the Books That Made a Big Difference in His Career

Smokey Daniels on the Five Books That Made a Big Difference in His Career  (continue reading)

The Big 5: Vicki Vinton on the Books That Pushed and Influenced Her Teaching Practice

Vicki Vinton on the Five Books That Pushed and Influenced Her Teaching Practice  (continue reading)

The Big 5: Lindsey Moses on the Books That Most Influenced Her Teaching Practice

Lindsey Moses on the Five Books That Most Influenced Her Teaching Practice  (continue reading)

The Big 5: Ken Lindblom on the Professional Books That Got Him to Where He is Today

Ken Lindblom on the five Professional Books That Got Him to Where He is Today  (continue reading)

The Big 5: Leila Christenbury on the Books That Shaped Her Teaching Career

Leila Christenbury on the Books That Shaped Her Teaching Career  (continue reading)

The Big 5: Katie Wood Ray Tells Us About the Five Books that Made a Big Difference in Her Professional Life

Katie Wood Ray Tells Us About the Five Books that Made a Big Difference in Her Professional Life  (continue reading)

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