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Dedicated to Teachers


Support for English Learners with The Comprehension Toolkit

The Comprehension Toolkit supports teachers to teach content knowledge and thinking strategies to students who come from varying cultural and linguistic backgrounds and are learning English as a new language.  (continue reading)

Why the Writing Workshop is More Important Now Than Ever

The writing workshop is an opportunity to ensure every student feels safe and welcomed into your classroom community and empowers students by inviting them to be all-in on learning.  (continue reading)

Record-Keeping System Ideas for Writing Teachers

Record-keeping systems allow you to consolidate data, study individual progress, track the frequency with which you meet with students, and easily access and update your data across time.  (continue reading)

The Power of Writing Minilessons: A Can’t-Miss Way to Strengthen Students’ Literacy Skills

Strong writing minilessons open a world of possibilities for learners, creating an environment that nurtures students’ ability to write with purpose, imagination, and voice.  (continue reading)

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