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Dedicated to Teachers

Heinemann Has A New Podcast!

Heinemann-Podcast_LOGO_H-podcast-logo-bluerules2400x2400_WHITEOver the last year, at conferences, at PD events and through various social media channels, we’ve received one consistent request: when will Heinemann do a podcast? Well, we’re happy to report: today is the day!

With the release of our fall catalog, we’re also releasing The Heinemann Podcast. We’ve designed the podcast to be accessible and thought-provoking. Most of the episodes will be around 10-minutes in length, so you can listen on your commute.

The first three episodes feature books and authors from our Spring 2016 list:

While many of the episodes will be ten minutes, we do plan to produce some special longer form episodes, with an in-depth focus on education. For instance, we've made a podcast of Kylene Beers’ recent Facebook Live event, a discussion of When Kids Can’t Read. This was a 45-minute question-and-answer event that we made into a podcast for those who don’t have Facebook access or for those who want to carry her thoughts with them.

While we have some exciting ideas for the podcast, we’d like to hear from you! What kind of shows would you like us to do? Are there topics you’d like to hear more about? Areas you need a deeper dive in? Send us a note or comment on Facebook or Twitter and let us know.

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Topics: Heinemann, Podcast, Technology, Heinemann Podcast, Social Media

Date Published: 08/22/16

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