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Dedicated to Teachers

Download the Reading To Make A Difference Companion Study Guide Today

sE09870_Laminack_Kelly_Boockcover_7602In Reading to Make a Difference, authors Lester Laminack and Katie Kelly build on the work of Rudine Sims Bishop, extending the notion of books as windows, mirrors, and doors. Through this work, they examine how books act as bridges to enable readers to speak freely, think deeply and take action. 

In the words of the authors:

Because we are readers, we know the power of the written word. We know how well crafted language can stop you in your tracks with a startling reflection of yourself. We know how story can linger in your mind, pull you from bed at night and keep you awake, make your soul soar, take you someplace you could never have imagined, and soothe your troubled soul. We know how the right text at just the right time can lift a fog you didn’t even know you were living in. As readers, we also know the clarity that comes from sitting with someone who has walked with the same characters, troubled over the same hidden truths revealed, quarreled with a text, and struggled to find peace. We know that sitting with someone, sharing space and time, conversing, sharing ideas, and pushing insights is an invigorating experience. -Lester Laminack and Katie Kelly

Because of their closely held belief in the power of sharing in reading and learning, Lester and Katie have written a study guide companion to Reading to Make a Difference  "so we can be a small part of that process as you and your colleagues engage in professional conversations to deepen your insights and grow your thinking. When even a small group of readers come together to engage in conversation around a shared text, each of them leaves with greater insight than any one of them brought." 

You can download the free Reading to Make a Difference companion study guide here: 

download the Reading to Make A Difference study guide


Topics: Reading, Lester Laminack, Study Guide, Katie Kelly, Reading To Make a Difference

Date Published: 03/06/20

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