Topic: To Read Stuff You Have to Know Stuff


To Read Stuff You Have to Know Stuff is now available as an audiobook! Listen to the book in author Kelly Gallagher's own voice.

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Why aren't students reading anymore? And what can educators do about it?

Gallagher Books

Building background knowledge moves students away from fake reading and into long reading with books.


Deciding what to teach is getting harder. Kelly Gallagher shares 5 big ideas any given curriculum should do to encourage developing background knowledge.


To Read Stuff You Have to Know Stuff is now available! Watch Kelly Gallagher discuss his renowned article of the week to help students build background knowledge.

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Why is building background knowledge so crucial for students reading comprehension and critical thinking? Hear from Kelly Gallagher on the podcast this week.


How does background knowledge determine how we make decisions in the age of click-and-go reading?

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How does background knowledge deepen reading? How can students access that knowledge? Learn more in this excerpt from Kelly Gallagher's forthcoming title.