Teacher Appreciation: John SanGiovanni On Teaching and Learning Every Day

When asked who he appreciates as a teacher, John SanGiovanni thinks of his wife, a seventh grade math teacher who works long days and grades papers in the night. She is constantly thinking of new ways to serve and to help her students, so in this video for Teacher Appreciation Week, John praises her and every other teacher's work.

When asked who he appreciates as a teacher, John SanGiovanni thinks of his wife, a seventh grade math teacher who works long days and grades papers in the night. She is constantly thinking of new ways to serve and to help her students, so in this video for Teacher Appreciation Week, John praises her and every other teacher's work.


John SanGiovanni is the coauthor of Putting the Practices into Action


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Related Reading


Rebecca Bellingham and Veronica Scott's The Artful Approach to Exploring Identity and Fostering Belonging is now available! Watch the authors introduce their book and discuss how to keep students, teachers, and community members engaged and create a place for belonging.


The following is an adapted excerpt from Marilyn Pryle’s 5 Questions for Any Text.