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Dedicated to Teachers

Heinemann's Volunteer Week, Days 3 and 4

During the third and fourth days of Heinemann’s Volunteer Week, staff worked with End 68 Hours of Hunger and “Project Pay it Forward” from the Student Body of America.

End 68 Hours of Hunger is a nonprofit organization that donates weekend meals to students. Because district free meal programs cover just the weekdays, many elementary school children spend the weekend without a guarantee of food. On Wednesday evening, volunteers with End 68 Hours of Hunger donated food and packed school bags with a weekend’s meals. The organization then delivers the food-filled book bags to schools across the Seacoast Region of NH.

For more information on End 68 Hours of Hunger, and to see a list of needed food items, please visit: http://end68hoursofhunger.org/ and https://www.facebook.com/end68hoursofhunger

On Thursday, Heinemann volunteers created and printed posters for Project Pay it Forward, whose documentary encouraging youth engagement and activism will screen in New York City on November 23, 2014. Project Pay it Forward is a part of Student Body of America, a nonprofit founded to provide “easily accessible information and resources to support students in achieving an education, and to guide students to apply their knowledge and skills to make the best decisions on an individual and societal basis.” The Student Body of America Association’s web site is: http://www.studentbodyofamerica.org/

To learn more about the Project Pay it Forward documentary please visit: http://www.projectpayitforward.org/

Heinemann’s Volunteer Week concludes today. Employees logged hundreds of hours of volunteer time, serving both local and national organizations. Heinemann encourages you to explore volunteering and give back to your communities, especially as this holiday season begins. Consider this list of resources to get you started:

Volunteer NH: http://www.volunteernh.org/
Volunteer NH promotes service work in New Hampshire.

United We Serve: http://www.serve.gov
United We Serve is a nationwide service initiative to connect volunteers for projects.

Volunteer Match: https://www.volunteermatch.org/
Volunteer Match allows nonprofits to connect to volunteers on its community board.

Volunteer Week is an initiative that seeks to make a difference in our local communities. Employees of Heinemann and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt participate in a full week of volunteer opportunities with various community organizations. They also maintain this commitment to social corporate responsibility throughout the year.

You can follow the week’s updates on Twitter: #HMHVolunteerWeek2014.

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Topics: Heinemann

Date Published: 11/07/14

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