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Dedicated to Teachers


Powering Up Partnerships in Reading & Writing Workshop, K-5

In reading and writing workshop, strategic partnerships can help us provide an audience, built-in feedback provider, and peer-reviewer for every student. While we can’t clone ourselves and have a teacher next to every student, we can set up partnerships that support, motivate, and inspire.  (continue reading)

Gifts Colleagues Can Give Each Other: Energy, Care and Craft, K-8

when a teaching community comes together in a shared study of a topic, they become a community of learners. They become more open to not having all of the answers, and to letting go of old ways of thinking.  (continue reading)

Ramp up Your Writing Workshop with Lucy Calkins' Up the Ladder Units

Lucy Calkins and her TCRWP coauthors recently sat down and answered some frequently asked questions about this essential series. Read the excerpts below and follow the link to view the full interviews.  (continue reading)

2018 TCRWP August Twitter Festival: Phonics!

Monday, August 27 through Thursday, August 30 the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project will host their annual August Twitter festival, holding multiple chats each night. This year’s topic: Phonics!  (continue reading)

Phonics is for Reading and Writing

In a recent series of short video interviews, Lucy Calkins and her TCRWP coauthors discussed the guiding principles they had in mind while creating the forthcoming Units of Study in Phonics. Watch the videos below to discover the why the authors paid particular attention to transfer and engagement.  (continue reading)

Write About History in Writing Workshop and Across the Day, 3-8

As students move up the grades and further in their history educations, they will be expected to write about it in increasingly sophisticated ways.  (continue reading)

Supporting Oral Language Development in Writing Workshop, 1-4

Because of the myriad ways writing workshop and oral language development are linked, it’s hard to tell where one ends and the other begins.  (continue reading)

Lifting the Level of Your Character Work in Reading and Writing About Reading

Readers who read strictly for plot nearly always remain stuck in literal interpretations of text, and typically struggle with more complex reading skills.  (continue reading)

Curiosity and Questioning in the Classroom, K-5

A study written up by the Association for Psychological Science on factors that affect learning. Which traits help students to do well in school?  (continue reading)

Helping Kids Dig Deep & Fly High in Graphic Novels, 2-8

Think of the possibilities as graphic novels provide readers who might not be able to tackle higher-levels of text an inroad for high-level thinking work.  (continue reading)

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