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Dedicated to Teachers


What Skills Can Poetry Teach Us?

Poetry is something that is happening now, everywhere, and we need to bring it into the classroom. In Poems Are Teachers, Amy introduces the skills and techniques involved in writing a poem and how it connects to writing across all genres.  (continue reading)

Cultivating Focus in the K-8 Classroom

It may seem strange to think about cultivating focus. Although natural abilities can vary, focus can be improved, cultivated, and taught.  (continue reading)

Lifting the Level of Your Character Work in Reading and Writing About Reading

Readers who read strictly for plot nearly always remain stuck in literal interpretations of text, and typically struggle with more complex reading skills.  (continue reading)

Creating Powerful Book Clubs 4-8

Creating Powerful Book Clubs 4-8  (continue reading)

Heinemann Fellow Chris Hall on the Role of Experience in Writing Feedback

Experience is what matters. Experience may be the best teacher, but does it get in the way of some of the best teaching?  (continue reading)

Heinemann Fellow Ian Fleischer on Giving Visual Math Tools a Chance to Empower Students

But what really mattered was watching how these math visuals worked in my own classroom with my own students. So, don’t take my word for it . . .  (continue reading)

Sneed B. Collard on The Beauty of Pairing Down

Let’s talk about Texas Chainsaw Massacre-style cuts – hacking off large sections of your manuscript to make it better. How do you know where to begin?  (continue reading)

Does Your Writing Assessment Help Writers or Pac-Mans?

Students write for the same reason that Pac-Man munches: to accumulate points. Writers are people, not Pac-Mans.  (continue reading)

Looking Ahead to the ELA Exams: What We Have Already Mastered & Developing Next Steps, 3-8

There are two key considerations when planning a curriculum that supports success with ELA exams: time and level of text complexity.  (continue reading)

Incorporating Field Research into Writing Instruction

Research is important throughout the entire writing process, and it can be fun, too. Give it a try in your own writing instruction. Here's how.  (continue reading)

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