With another historic election on the horizon, authors of The Civically Engaged Classroom offer a free guide for navigating teaching during this time. (continue reading)
Your classroom can be a place for students to experience what it means to live in community with others, to overcome differences, and to ask the questions. (continue reading)
Heinemann authors are exemplary educators eager to support the practice of other teachers. Allow yourself the enjoyment and benefits of being read to -- by them. (continue reading)
Heinemann is pleased to announce the latest addition to our growing line of audiobooks, The Civically Engaged Classroom by Mary Ehrenworth, Pablo Wolfe, and, Marc Todd. (continue reading)
When kids learn to listen, they become more nuanced. When they learn to listen, they see each other and the world in more empathetic ways. And others respond to them differently as well. (continue reading)