Thank you for exploring In the Moment

by Jen Munson



"Conferring is a way to strive toward achieving a classroom where students make sense of math equitably, actively, and daily."

—Jen Munson

Conferring in math supports students' learning, communication, and engagement

Talking to students about their work, while they work, is a powerful way of supporting learning. We often engage in these conversations with our readers and writers, and these interactions are just as needed in mathematics. What does it look like to talk with students about their mathematical thinking so that their thinking grows?

In the Moment explores how, in just a few minutes, a math conference provides an opportunity for supporting productive struggle, helping students grow their ideas, formative assessment, and differentiation.

In this sample, you'll read about:

  • what conferring in math can look like
  • the structure of a conference: eliciting, interpreting, and nudging
  • different approaches to pushing student thinking forward during a conference