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Dedicated to Teachers


Recent Posts:


Demonstration Teaching in Writing Workshop

A good demonstration is specific, focused, and clear. Thinking aloud while demonstrating is an important way to show not just what we are doing but also how we are doing it. Modeling is not the same as demonstrating. Modeling is an important part of high-quality teaching, but in a focused strategy lesson, demonstrating is more effective.  (continue reading)

Co-Create Charts with Students

How can we actively and intentionally involve students in the chart-making process so charts become an integral part of instruction? Let’s take a look at one way to involve students through the use of interactive writing.  (continue reading)

Increase Opportunities for Talk in the Math Classroom

The more opportunities students have to practice using the language of mathematics through conversation, the deeper their understanding will be. As students engage in brief discussion, they have the chance to hear and practice providing explanations, multiple representations, and solutions.  (continue reading)

Feedback That Feeds

There are so many instructional opportunities when conferring with students: we can nudge readers and writers to clarify thinking, address a need through teaching points, model for students what it looks like to use literacy to make sense of the world — and so much more.  (continue reading)

Using a Strategy Group to Support Writers

One of the hardest things about writing is—getting started! For many of our students, drawing and talking about their drawings is just what they need to cross the barrier from a blank page to page filled with their words.  (continue reading)

Ask Questions, Plan for Instruction.

In her latest book, What’s the Best That Could Happen?, Debbie Miller explores how questions help us look beyond the limitations of what we’ve done and discover powerful new opportunities for teaching and learning.  (continue reading)

Turn & Talk: Kristi Mraz and "Smokey" Daniels with Ellin Oliver Keene

Turn & Talk conversations will be published on the Heinemann blog throughout Heinemann’s fortieth year, enabling our readers to immerse themselves in the most critical topics in education around the world from the perspectives of two deeply respected authors with very different backgrounds.  (continue reading)

Our Summer Book Study: Being the Change...from Day One

When it came to choose between these two titles for our summer book study, it quickly became clear that we needed both. The intersection of messages and range of ideas for application—not just in our schools but in our lives—will create critical conversations as we mentally and emotionally prepare for the work that awaits us in August.  (continue reading)

Boothbay Literacy Institute: #BBLit18 Live Blog

This year we join Kylene Beers, Robert Probst, Penny Kittle, Linda Rief, Chris Crutcher, and Teri Lesense, Kwame Alexander, and Kelly Gallagher to investigate aliteracy and our students through reading, thinking, and writing. We'll be adding to the blog as this multi-day institute progresses so keep checking back!  (continue reading)

What's the difference between Heinemann's Webinar Series and On-Demand Courses?

You don’t have to be tech-savvy to participate in the online PD we offer. Even if you don’t have barriers to attending an on-site or off-site event, perhaps your learning preferences include smaller chunks of time, flexible scheduling, or time and space to process, practice, reflect, and synthesize new learning.  (continue reading)

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